Raegan Heymann
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Raegan Heymann was born & raised on Amelia Island. Real estate has been part of her family story & she has been involved in a number of residential housing development projects that have helped shape Amelia Island. A 2003 graduate of University of North Florida her professional experience also includes mortgage servicing. As a lifelong resident, she has a familiarity of Amelia Island & the surrounding areas that few can match. Her local knowledge translates into her being able to find just what a buyer is looking for, whether it be a tranquil view of the salt marsh, a neighborhood adorned with ancient oaks, or just the right beach front cottage. Her free time includes spending time with her husband & two children, enjoying all of the aspects that make northeast Florida such a special place to live. After 10 successful years in residential real estate, she is now proudly a co-owner of Berkshire Hathaway Heymann Williams Realty. Raegan is available for all of your real estate needs.
Raegan Heymann was born & raised on Amelia Island. Real estate has been part of her family story & she has been involved in a number of residential housing development projects that have helped shape Amelia Island. A 2003 graduate of University of North Florida her professional experience also includes mortgage servicing. As a lifelong resident, she has a familiarity of Amelia Island & the surrounding areas that few can match. Her local knowledge translates into her being able to find just what a buyer is looking for, whether it be a tranquil view of the salt marsh, a neighborhood adorned with ancient oaks, or just the right beach front cottage. Her free time includes spending time with her husband & two children, enjoying all of the aspects that make northeast Florida such a special place to live. After 10 successful years in residential real estate, she is now proudly a co-owner of Berkshire Hathaway Heymann Williams Realty. Raegan is available for all of your real estate needs.
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Heymann Williams Realty, 720 Magnolia Lane, Fernandina Beach, FL, 32034, (904) 261-9311, info@heymannwilliams.com